Thursday 31 May 2007

Será buen restaurante?

Supongo que los dueños de este restaurante no saben español...

Estaría bien saber que significa Sida en tailandés. El caso es que tengo unos vecinos tailandeses, pero me da cosa preguntarles. Esto me recuerda otras famosas (y poco afortunadas) elecciones de nombres como el Mitsubishi Pajero en España o el Seat Málaga en Grecia.

I guess the owners of the restaurant do not speak Spanish (sida is Spanish for Aids).

I´d like to know what it means in Thai. I have some Thai neighbours but I feel a bit uneasy about asking them. This reminds me of other famous (and rather unfortunate) choices for products marketed globally, such as the Mitsubishi Pajero in Spain and the Seat Malaga in Greece.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Schloss Cecilienhof...

Hoy se celebra en Schloss Cecilienhof (Potsdam) la reunión de los ministros de exteriores del G8, para preparar la reunión del G8 que tendrá lugar la semana que viene. Yo celebré mi boda allí hace ahora casi cuatro años y siempre que sale en las noticias me trae los recuerdos de la boda.

Hace un par de semanas fuimos a dar un paseo en barco por Wannsee y saqué la foto de arriba. Por supuesto, hoy debe ser imposible acercarse con todas las medidas de seguridad.

The meeting of the ministers of Foreign Affairs of the G8 takes place today in Schloss Cecilienhof (Potsdam). This is to prepare the meeting of the G8 prime ministers next week. My wedding celebration was in Schloss Cecilienhof almost four years ago and, obviously, seeing it the news brought some nice memories.

A couple of weeks back we went for a boat trip in Wannsee and I took the photo above. Obviously today is not a day for such trips because of security measures.

Sunday 27 May 2007

Día de la bici en Berlín...

El domingo que viene es el día de la bicicleta en Berlín. Hoy, dando un paseo, he visto algo que se ve con cierta frecuencia, bicicleta estropeadas. Alguno se ha vuelto a pie a casa esta tarde...

Next Sunday will be Bike´s day in Berlin. Today I went for a walk after it stopped raining and I saw something which happens from time to time, bicycles needing an urgent repair. Somebody will need to walk home tonight...

Thursday 24 May 2007

El verano ya está aquí...

Una de las cosas buenas que tienen las ciudades grandes es que nunca acabas de conocerlas y siempre hay rincones que descubrir.

El fin de semana pasado estuvimos con unos amigos en una terracita (Biergarten) justo enfrente de la cancillería, al otro lado del Spree.

Además de la tranquilidad que da estar lejos del tráfico (que tampoco molesta mucho en Berlín, la verdad sea dicha) la terraza esta tiene la ventaja de tener una zona con columpios para niños y con las mesas allí mismo para los padres. Todo un detalle.

Y por supuesto, lo mejor la compañía...

A good thing about big cities is that you never stop discovering new places. Last weekend we went with some friends to a Biergarten in front of the Chancellor´s residence, just across the Spree.

Besides the relaxed atmosphere away from traffic (never too bad in Berlin anyway), this Biergarten has the advantage of an enclosed area for children with a slide and the tables for the parents in the same place, so everyone gets its bit of joy.

And of course, the best thing is enjoying it with friends...

Monday 21 May 2007

Jornadas informativas hispano-alemanas

Me ha llegado una carta que me ha sorprendido gratamente. La he escaneado (los errores son fallos del OCR) para poder ponerla en el blog ya que dicen agradecer su difusión. La carta me ha llegado en alemán y en español, todo un detalle. Abajo están las dos versiones.

Europa avanza!

Información sobre las Jornadas Informativas hispano-alemanas entre el 12 y el 14 de junio de 2007 en Berlin

Los organismos del seguro de pensiones aleman (Deutsche Rentenversicherung) asesoran a sus clientes sabre todas las preguntas del seguro legal de pensiones asi coma de la previsión para la vejez suplementaria. Durante nuestras "Jornadas informativas internacionales" les presentarernos una oferta especial de asesoramiento a los asegurados que han vivido y trabajado en varios paises europeos.

Ademas de los informadores alemanes, tambien unos expertos del organismo de seguro español (INSS) estaran presentes para informarle sobre sus derechos a pensión adquiridos en Alemania y en España. Asi es posible resolver en comun sus cuestiones planteadas por sus periodos de trabajo en varios paises.

Las próximas Jomadas informativas hispano-alemanas en su cercania tendrán lugar en:

Auskunfts- und Beratungsstelle der Deutschen Rentenversicherung
WallstraBe 9-13 (U-Bahn Spittelmarkt)
10179 Bertln-Mitte
el12 de junio de 2007, en horario de 10.00 a 17.00 horas y los dias 13 y 14 de junio de 2007, en horario de 09.00 a 17.00 horas

Para evitar mucho tiempo de espera, es recomendable concertar una cita en el numero de telefono 030 20247-880 o fax 030 20247.699 o por email: [arroba] drv-bund[punto]de.

Le rogamos presente sus documentos de seguro y su carnet de identidad/pasaporte en la entrevista de asesoramiento.

Si tiene mas preguntas, las contestarernos por Internet a traves de nuestra dirección de correo electrónico: internationale-beratung [arroba] drv-bund[punto]de

Su Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund



Madrid, abril de 2007

Estimado/ a señor/ a:
Una de las lineas de actuacion que mas cuida el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social es su politica de co­municacion, caracterizada por dos objetivos prioritarios: el acercamiento de sus servicios y la transparencia en sus contenidos informativos. Y si esta declaracion es aplicable con caracter general a toda su accion gestora, se convierte en verdadero compromiso cuando afecta a determinados colectivos, susceptibles de un tratamiento especifico por las peculiaridades de su trayectoria laboral y la diversidad de prestaciones a que pudieran tener derecho.

Pues bien, uno de estos colectivos esta farmado por los trabajadores que acreditan periodos de cotiza­cion en varios paises: España. Alemania, Francia, Suiza, etc. y, por lo tanto, el tramite de las prestaciones que puedan generar estara lsujeto a la aplicacion de la normativa internacional, lo que acarrea una mayor compleji­dad y unos plazas temporales mas dilatados.

En consecuencia y con el deseo de ayudar, en todo lo posible, a la preparacian y presentacion de las so­licitudes de las futuras prestaciones que pudiera causar usted o sus familiares, el INSS y los organismos de la Seguridad Social alemana, competentes en la materia, van a celebrar proximamente unas jornadas informativas para asesorarle en todas la dudas o cuestiones que necesite plantearnos.

Para ello, le invito a visitarnos en el lugar y el horario ya indicados, utilizando la modalidad de cita pre­via o bien la consulta telefonica si no le fuera posible el desplazamiento. Asimismo, le agradecere que difunda esta convocatoria entre las personas conocidas y que pudieran estar interesadas en comentar aspectos concre­tos de sus posibles derechos ante la Seguridad Social española o alemana.

En todo caso, le recuerdo que puede entrar en contacto con nosotros para plantear su consulta me­diante el acceso a la pagina de Internet

Reciba un cordial saludo,

Fidel Ferreras Alonso
Director General

Information zu den vom 12. bis 14. Juni 2007 in Berlin-Mitte stattfindenden deutsch-spanischen Beratungstagen

Sehr geehrter Herr Cabrejas,

die Träger der deutschen Rentenversicherung haben die Aufgabe, ihre Kunden über alle Fragen der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung zu beraten sowie Auskunft über die Möglichkeiten der ergänzenden Altersversorgung zu erteilen. Den Versicherten, die in mehreren europäischen Ländern gelebt und gearbeitet haben, unterbreiten wir wiederkehrend ein besonderes Beratungsangebot: unsere Internationalen Beratungstage.

Auf unseren deutsch-spanischen Beratungstagen sind neben deutschen Beratern auch Experten des spanischen Sozialversicherungsträgers (INSS) vor Ort, die Sie über Ihre Rentenansprüche in Deutschland und Spanien informieren. Fragen, die sich daraus ergeben, dass Sie in mehreren Ländern gearbeitet haben, können so gemeinsam geklärt werden.

Die nächsten deutsch-spanischen Beratungstage in Ihrer Nähe finden in der:

Auskunfts- und Beratungsstelle der Deutschen Rentenversicherung
WalIstraße 9-13 (U-Bahn $pittelmarkt)
10179 Berlin-Mitte
am 12. Juni 2007 von 10.00-17.00 Uhr und
am 13. und 14. Juni 2007 jeweils von 09.00-17.00 Uhr


Zur Vermeidung längerer Wartezeiten empfehlen wir einen Termin unter der Telefonnummer 030 20247-880, der Faxnummer 03020247-699 oder per E-Mail unter[at]drv-bund[punkt]de zu vereinbaren.

Bitte bringen Sie zum Beratungstag Ihre Versicherungsunterlagen und Ihr Personaldokument mit.

Für weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne auch im Internet unter intenationale-beratung[at]drv-bund[punkt]de zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihre Deutsche Rentenversicherung

Cazadores cazados...

Esta foto la tomé en el monumento a los judíos que hay entre la puerta de Brandemburgo y Potsdamer Platz. A veces es difícil hacer fotos en las que no salga alguien más. El otro día, de camino a las clases de francés, al pasar por Checkpoint Charlie me preguntaba en cuantas fotos de turistas apareceré yo sin saberlo. Seguro que en unas cuantas miles...

I took this photo in the monument to the jews between Brandenburg gate and Potsdamer Platz. Some times it is quite difficult not to have somebody in the picture and just the other day I was wondering in how many photos taken by tourists I´m on unknowingly. I drive through Checkpoint Charlie on my way to French lessons every week so it must be thousands by now...

Sunday 20 May 2007

Tropical Islands...

Este es el hangar que construyeron para CargoLifter, la empresa que iba a diseñar dirigibles. Pero se fue a la quiebra y lo único que ha quedado es esto, que ahora es un parque acuático. Tiene 100 metro de alto por 200 de largo, es decir, es impresionante.

La foto son en realidad tres unidas, por eso el coche que sale está repetido tres veces.

This is the hangar that was built for CargoLifter, a company that would design some of the biggest dirigibles ever. But it went bankrupt and this is what is left. At 100 meters tall and 200 m long, it is certainly quite impressive. The photo are actually three stitched photos, that´s why the grey car leaving is three times.


Eran las doce de la noche y el teléfono seguía sin sonar. Finalmente se había metido en la cama, después de dar vueltas y vueltas por la habitación, como si de un león enjaulado se tratara. No sabía con certeza que había mirado más veces, si al reloj o al teléfono. Ahora, en la oscuridad, sólo se oía el reloj desgranando el tiempo segundo a segundo. Ayer mismo a estas horas,recordaba, estaban los dos en animada conversación, charlando, no queriendo acabar nunca, buscando motivos para continuar conscientes de que era el final.

La oscuridad y el sueño se apoderaban lentamente de él. Necesitaba hablar con alguien que le escuchara y le comprendiera, quería escuchar a alguien que buscara lo mismo, serle útil, receptor anónimo y fugitivo, confidente y compañero.

Sabía que ella ya no llamaría, que no lo haría ya jamás y que esto pertenecía ya al pasado. Se sentía fuera de lugar esperando una cosa imposible y deseó estar dormido, y soñar con
los angelitos, especialmente con ése de sonrisa franca y voz luminosa que no siempre hablaba en su idioma. El mismo que hacía que en sus sueños él fuera un pequeño oso de peluche que
era abrazado con ternura y con cariño. El mismo que había cubierto de estrellas el cielo sólo para poder pasar el rato contemplándolas. Ese angel existía en sus sueños, llenándolos de tranquilidad y paz, sólo porque tú me has dejado entrar en tu corazon. Gracias…

Más fotos de Dresden...

En un puesto callejero tenían el trasto este, obviamente prestado del ejército, para mantener la comida caliente. Parece ser que el nombre técnico para estos artilugios es Gulashkanone...

One of the food stands in the street had one such "thing" to keep food warm. Apparently they are called Gulashkanone and I guess they´ve been borrowed from the army...

Como en todos los sitios turísticos, siempre hay alguna cosa curiosa que ver además de los monumentos...

And of course, as in every touristic attraction, there is always something interesting to see apart from the monuments...

Y por último, estos cuatro caballeros decían venir de San Petersburgo y amenizaban (y muy bien por cierto) la espera en la cola para entrar en la Frauenkirche.

And finally, these four gentlemen, claiming to be from St. Petersburg, made the time spent in the queue to enter the Frauenkirche a bit more amusing.

Saturday 19 May 2007


La foto en blanco y negro muestra como era Dresden antes. La otra es como ha quedado la Frauenkirche después de la reconstrucción.

The black and white photo shows Dresden as it was before the WWII bombings. The colour one shows the Frauenkirche after it´s been rebuilt.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Quadriga auf dem Brandenburger Tor...

Un día estábamos en casa viendo la tele y había una celebración alrededor de la puerta de Brandenburgo, así que le dije a mi hija (dos años y medio) si le apetecía que fuéramos a ver "los caballos" más de cerca. Y allí que nos fuimos. Ahora cada vez que vamos a la puerta de Brandenburgo o alrededores, vamos a "los caballos"...

No creo que tomara la foto aquel día, así que debe haber sido alguna vez que iba de guía turístico por la ciudad con alguien que estaba de visita.

We were once watching some sort of celebration on tv around the Brandenburg gate and I asked my daughter (two and a half years old) whether she fancied going there so that we could have a closer look at "the horses", she nodded and there we went. So now everytime we go to or around Brandenburg gate, we go to "the horses"...

I don´t think I took the picture on that date, though. I guess it must have been while playing the tourist guide for some visitors.

Monday 7 May 2007

Flughafen Tempelhof...

El aeropuerto de Tempelhof es impresionante por muchas cosas, por el tamaño del edificio en sí (es colosal) y por la tranquilidad que emana de un sitio tan grande que casi siempre está vacío. Y para muestra, un botón.

El pasado domingo por la tarde había cuatro (sí, cuatro) taxis. Pero claro, cuando entras y ves que dentro tampoco hay nadie se entiende el porqué. Las pocas personas que había parecían turistas que habían ido a ver la exposición. Creo que no vi ni una maleta en todo el rato que estuve allí...

Tempelhof Airport is quite impressing for a number of reasons. One is the sheer size of the building itself, one of the biggest in the world. But even more impressing is the feeling of quiteness that embraces you in such a big (almost always) empty space.

Last Sunday afternoon there were just 4 (you read it right, four) taxis standing outside. But then inside was no much better. The few tourists were looking at the exhibition and I cannot actually remember anybody with a suitcase...

Sunday 6 May 2007

Farewell (he)

We were walking side by side, hand in hand, with regular strides. She was dressed completely in black, her boots, her trousers, her pullover and her coat, curiously enough just the same as me. But maybe it was not by chance, but a mere treason from our subconscious. Silence reigned, each of us deeply absorbed in our thoughts, and the only existing communication between us was a slight press of the hand now and then. As for me, it was precisely when my mind failed to find the reasons, so it would exchange frustration for the desire of keeping her with me forever. Another important detail was the suitcase, her suitcase.

Now, being a few steps away from the station, reason seemed to dim. The last days had gone for me as if in a dream, unable to understand what was really going on, sometimes blinded after yet another bitter discussion, thinking up impossible solutions, feeling a part of me was being torn apart, and watching her get ready to leave. How many times have I gone mentally through everything, again and again, trying to find a non existent flaw? Even thinking back now makes my soul hurt, that intense, special pain that both destroys and drowns you deep inside. It’s not the pain you feel for a lost loved one, it is … Well, I cannot explain it with words, but even if I could, what would be the difference? None. And you cannot blame it on someone else. That’s a bad thing about life, it is neither fair nor it pretends to be so, and I’m not saying this just out of disenchantment, no, it’s just a lesson I learned, just that.

We stopped a few meters before reaching the main door, a door I knew I would not walk through. She turned around to face me, and something in my face and in my blue eyes showed her this pain I could not describe before, as she caressed my face with her left hand at the same time as she tried to encourage me with her eyes. Being touched by her proved to be even more painful because she was also suffering and, even so, you could not tell from her face, at least not any more than from her reddened eyes. The suitcase hit the floor with a dull noise as I hugged her, burying my face into her hair. My whole body was trembling, like that distant night in a deserted square back in Madrid, where everything began such a long time ago. As it happened then, I could feel tears coming down my face, and that imperious need to abandon myself to the sobs.

I stepped aside, still holding her in my arms and scarcely murmured: “Good bye, ______, please, take care” She drew her lips to mine, one more time, the last one, and replied to me with a shattered voice: ”Yes, ______, you take care, too. Good bye”

And that was the end. She took her suitcase and headed for the entrance while I wiped another tear. I stood there for a moment, watching her leave, seeing how she disappeared from my life through the door. Probably there were lots of people around, I don’t know, I can’t remember. But I can distinctly remember that she turned around for one endless second. Maybe she wanted to know if I was still there, maybe she wanted to keep one last image. That one closing a story.

I wrote the original Spanish version of the short story on January 17th 1999, a rainy Sunday in Armilla Air Base. I had stayed in the Base so that I could do some reviewing for an upcoming exam on Weapons (one of the subjects during the three months there). But then, inspiration arrives when it arrives...

It´s been now a long time but I haven´t corrected anything. I would probably translate some bits differently. Not that it matters...

Farewell (she)

Finally we had decided to go walking to the station. Not that we had a really good reason for this, if anything to stretch the farewell out a bit more. We used as an excuse to ourselves the fact that the station was quite close to home and that the suitcase was not that heavy. In fact it was me carrying it and not him, in spite of his gentle offer. But then, it was also me who was leaving him, and not the other way round. So even if only symbolically it was also me the one to take the load. I was just taking with me a few important things, the rest was stored in boxes with those big labels with my new address. He had written each and every one of them, as if, afraid of losing it, tried to learn them by heart. Well, I was sure he already knew it, he had always been good at that. In the last few days we had been specially attentive to each other, more than usual, so whenever we were not in the middle of yet another bitter discussion, we were draining the last moments together, the end clearly approaching in our minds. Now, as we walked in silence, I could feel his hand pressing mine now and then for no apparent reason. I guess he was also thinking over all the things that had happened to us in the last few months, maybe too many not to surrender to pain. I never thought things would turn out this way, but it was the best option nevertheless. Affection was not enough for me to go on, and I couldn’t borrow some of his love. No matter how big it could be, it was not enough to fill my needs. And then, it wasn’t enough either that he were deeply in love with me, besides he should have known how to love me, and come to this point, he had shown more often than not how inexperienced he was. Even now he couldn’t understand it all, but I was confident that he would see with different eyes all that he was unable to see now, blinded by present as he was.

I stopped before reaching the main entrance, ready to put an end to it there and then. There was no reason for him to enter with me. When I turned to him I could read in his blue eyes that life was going to be really hard for him once I left, but time heals everything. Not that pain is less intense later, but it rather vanishes faster. I knew this from my former experience, and now the time had come for him to learn this bitter lesson of life. I would rather have explained all of this to him, but I just looked into his eyes and caressed his cheek with my left hand. As I was touching him I felt myself faint and dropped the suitcase, which hit the floor with a numb noise as he hugged me. He was trying hard not to give away to tears and tremblings, quite as it happened that far away first time in Madrid, as if he were a big boy, beaten by emotion.

After an endless second, he stepped apart, just enough to say “Good bye, ______, please, take care.” I drew myself closer to kiss him and cherish him once more, and in an effort I replied “Yes, _____, you take care, too. Good bye.” In fact it would have been better to ask him to forget me as soon as possible, but best things are not always the most sensible ones. And he wouldn’t have understood, not then, and specially not if it was me the one trying to explain it...

I took my suitcase again and turned round, unable to see him cry, determined not to look back. However, just before going through the door I betrayed myself and turned round to see him leave. But all I could see was him standing, hoarding the seconds, each and every one to the last. I turned round once more, feeling the relief of closing another chapter in my life, maybe not the happiest nor the most satisfactory one, but I had been honest right to the end. Suddenly I realized that it was effectively the end, but it was not quite so, it was just a new beginning, and even more important, it was a new beginning for both.

I wrote this short story some time in Summer 1999, while I was doing my military service in Torrejón Air Base. It is the second part of "Farewell (he)" and I think I actually wrote the translated version shortly after writing the original one in Spanish.

Saturday 5 May 2007

Farewell variation...

She was running out of time, she knew it and it only made things but worse. He would be back in about one hour. Just in one hour, she thought. After so many weeks struggling with herself and with the idea of leaving him, an hour seemed an extremely short period of time. But it is not always length that matters most, but rather how intense emotions are. And right now, her emotions had gone wild. She had written the farewell note five times so far. And in each, she could never be entirely satisfied. You cannot put your life into a few lines just like that. But then, she was not prepared for yet another confrontation. Everything had already been said, and most of the times lately, bitterness had been present along each step of the way. She also knew he wouldn't be surprised at that. Not at all. But he would cry in despair, as the child he still was some times, and she didn't want to be there. She couldn't stand it. That bit she knew…

Thirty minutes went by, and there she was, sitting in his desk, chopping their lives to a mere one hundred words. How much pain can you express in three paragraphs? Well, too much, she correctly guessed. She read once more what was meant to be the end of their relationship, just to reassure herself that she was taking the right decision.

Dear _________,
After the last month, this note can hardly come as a surprise to you. I've seen your face as you entered home during this week, and each time you were afraid I would be no longer here. Well, the time has finally come. Please forgive me for not being able to say good bye face to face.
I hope you will understand all the tiny pieces on time. Even if you might think now that I'm leaving you for no apparent reason, please, believe me, it's all the better for both.
Finally, I have written this again and again, and in all cases, the only sentence I would not change is this: "I still love you…"


And that was all. She folded both the page and her emotions carefully before putting them into an envelope. A bitter smile of satisfaction played around her lips. At last she had achieved what she had set out to do…

This is a composition that I wrote as an exercise while taking English lessons along time ago. I had recently moved to Derby (East Midlands - UK), so that was possibly in Spring 2000. There was a limit in the number of words and, besides, the two last sentences were fixed and you had to work out the story from them.

I haven´t made any corrections, just copy-pasted the story from an old e-mail which brought back some nice memories...